Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Extra Credit Sonnet

I look down the street, waiting to see you  1
I wait for your light footsteps on the stairs 2
Memorize each grass stem heavy with dew 3
Wait at the window, my heart out to you 4
I can hear your engine purr down the street 5
As loud and quiet as the sound of dreams 6
I can smell your groceries, cheese and meat 7
I can hear your car pulsing with a beat. 8
But when no one turns, I know we can’t win 9
Because you are gone, and I am alone 10
The truth hurts me like a stone to the shin, 11
Burning my throat like a cold glass of gin 12
But I will know that wherever we are 13
Love will follow, one that nothing can mar 14

Poetry Unit Final Project

Pink blossoms quiver
A light whisper in the trees
Thirteen miles from here
A civilization waits
Thirteen long miles to escape

Chaotic pounding
An angry dance against time
Furious fingers
Tap deftly on the keyboard
Two a.m. and halfway done

 The Recipe
Description: 1
Food is often fun to make 2
especially when you chop and bake 3
so throw in the carrots and toss in the spice, 4
but leave no leftovers for the mice. 5
Yields: 6
4 servings of fun for the kids, 7
and, 8
10 servings of frustration 9
for finding the right lids. 10
Ingredients: 11
Ø      1 cup of sweet fumes and good smells 12
Ø      2 pinches of the clang of dinner bells 13
Ø      10 sprinkles of opening cabinet doors 14
Ø      4 cups of feet padding on hard tile floors 15
Directions: 16
Stir up the love in big mixing bowls 17
and cook up the laughter over hot black coals. 18
Pour the giggles in a big metal pan 19
and cook at 350 until golden and tan. 20
Serve right away on a table with a friend, 21
where good times and laughter have the power to mend. 22